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What is a good download speed for ps4

What is a good download speed for ps4
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What is a good download and upload speed for ps4? | AnswersDrive

Apr 14,  · Use This Simple Tweak to Increase Download Speed on PS4 Well, the procedure is far from complicated and takes only a few minutes. So, if you’re one of those PS4 users facing slow internet speeds, try this procedure out and let us know how this has improved your download speeds. r/PS4: The largest PlayStation 4 community on the internet. r/PS4. log in sign up. User account menu. How good of a download speed and upload speed do I need for share play? Close. Posted by. u/spidey 5 years ago. Archived. How good of a download speed and upload speed do I need for share play? As someone with a 4MB. Lastly, if you're really wanting to take advantage of PS4's capabilites, then you'll want 10MBps upload speed for game sharing.

what is a good download speed for ps4

What is a good download speed for ps4

Speed doesn't matter, what you need to focus on is how fast the signal goes to your place and back out. You'll definitely want to go wired if you can. Makes a pretty big difference and reduces latency and keeps your connection faster. I'd say anything above 5 mbps is good enough, but you could probably get by with less so long as you're wired up. Lol let me clarify all doubts by setting the lowest bar I live in Bangladesh.

Highspeed internet is an issue here So there! This should make you happy. And like someone mentioned already what matters is the PING. Perfect answer, kb kilobit is enough for most if not all not all online games but latency just rules them all, when you pull the trigger you want everyone else in your match to know that asap and it takes very little bandwidth amount of data to do so.

So yeah latency rules them all so basically, don't worry about it, you have good enough broadband but if you are serious about gaming look up "how to improve your latency" it will help more than anything else, opening firewall rules and ports and what not. Maybe even a new router or re-wiring your home not as hard as it sounds. I just bought a ps4 and moved also. I bought a couple of offline games but I was thinking about getting some online games such as need for speed and Tom Clancy division.

But my only question is how much will these games run up my mbps? I have 30 gb total but how long will it be until I run over? I share 30 gbs with my family, but what is a good download speed for ps4 long will new gene mbps online games take to play before It runs over the amount I have? Need answers please. My old place had 15Mbps download speed, and it was through wifi. There were three active internet users in the house and it was awesome.

There was no lag and download speeds were decent enough, what is a good download speed for ps4. Mine is 3 mbps, it works fine for playing, for downloading is not that great but hell, that's what nights are for. I have a important question.

I don't know much of but was hoping someone could tell me. I'm wondering if I buy playstation plus membership for 12 months year will I need Internet to get online still? Or will that be what gets me online for thoughs months? I don't wanna play online games and run up my megabytes I have per month. It's 4 of us on it and I couldn't afford having it run over. Need answers If anyone can help. I use the 7Mbps to play online and stuff.

However when it comes to downloading huge game or updates I use the 4GEE. Well, where I live all I get is wifi or nothing. I have no limits to downloading or uploading, the speed has been pretty good at mps. It depends on the providers in your area and what you can get. You need a good connection to play any kind of console, tombtraider.

I go wifi and the connection is awesome. I connect my PS4 via Wifi and don't experience many problems regarding latency.

I agree that wired is genuinely going to be more reliable what is a good download speed for ps4 as long as your router is decent then you should be fine. I use the router which Sky provided which is actually pretty terrible but I don't have many problems.

I recommend 10MBps download speeds at least. That way if someone else in the home is streaming Netflix or Youtube, your gaming shouldn't be effected. Next, as what others what is a good download speed for ps4 saying, you'll want to go wired. It's the best connection between the PS4 and your Internet. Have other devices use the Wifi. Lastly, if you're really wanting to take advantage of PS4's capabilites, then you'll want 10MBps upload speed for game sharing.

I personally run 60MBps download and 5MBps upload sadly, best in my area so I can play online just fine while my wife watches her shows and downloads stuff. The downside, I can't participate in game sharing. Plugging in to your modem is automatically 10 times faster than your wifi. So yes it makes a big difference. You should always plug your game console or laptop in when gaming and or downloading. This is not true by the way. If you have a high end gaming router like I do than it doesn't really matter if you are directly connected or on Wi-Fi.

I have a question so I have 3 Playstation 4s hooked up and three different rooms for gaming I have standard broadband megabytes per second what I be better off going with 18 megabytes per second fiber optic. Please Log In to post.

Jaysonguy said:. The key factor is latency, what is a good download speed for ps4. Bring back the main forum list, what is a good download speed for ps4. Use your keyboard!

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What is a good download speed for ps4

what is a good download speed for ps4

Lastly, if you're really wanting to take advantage of PS4's capabilites, then you'll want 10MBps upload speed for game sharing. r/PS4: The largest PlayStation 4 community on the internet. r/PS4. log in sign up. User account menu. How good of a download speed and upload speed do I need for share play? Close. Posted by. u/spidey 5 years ago. Archived. How good of a download speed and upload speed do I need for share play? As someone with a 4MB. What is a good download and upload speed for ps4? I recommend 10MBps download speeds at least. That way if someone else in the home is streaming Netflix or Youtube, your gaming shouldn't be effected.3/5(3).

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